Thursday, February 13, 2014

21 years later....

So today is my Anniversary!
Troy and I have been married 21 years...

We met in high school..
last name Carter and last name Burns always in the same homeroom, as homerooms were assigned alphabetically....

But were we really got to know each other....was.... chemistry class!
I know, how classic is that, right?

Once again, due to ABC's of last names, we were assigned to be chemistry lab partners.  And we spent an entire year in chemistry, side by side, doing whatever we did in chemistry class (because Lord knows, I don't remember - it's been too long.)

And then the next year, we decided to take a chance, and go out on a date.  We were supposed to go to the Friday night football game, but it poured rain!  We decided to go and see a movie instead.  So we went to Chesterfield Town Center, which had a two movie theater... and saw the most romantic movie ever....NOT....

And in between then and today.... a wonderful journey.

And as cliche as it is to say... Time does fly.

Little did we know, 21 years ago, what life would bring.
So much has happened in those 21 years.

Jobs, new jobs, having to grow up and figure out how to budget.
Buying cars...buying our home...

And then the kids...

Brett... what a great day when he was born!  And then the terrifying second day, when they woke us up in the middle of the night to tell us he was having trouble...and now, he is almost 17.  He is talking about college and getting ready for SATs.  He is almost the age we were when we first started dating!

Jared...such a sweet blessing.  The craziness of learning that your child has autism.  The death of dreams and the birth of new dreams.  Learning to be the parents of a special needs child.  Jared teaching us a new depth of LOVE.

Amber... the princess was born!  Her love for life and for others continues to show us a new way to live!  And just yesterday she became a teenager.  And soon, mom and dad will have to learn how to let our baby become a woman.... but not yet....

And there have been hurts .... big hurts...
we lost my dad, your dad, your sweet Nanny and Pop...
and we held tight to each other.

And of the memories we have made in these past 21 years...
great trips, fun family vacations...
lots of smiles and lots of laughs.

I love that I have been able to share this crazy thing called LIFE with such an incredible man!
Looking forward to the next 21 years!

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