Thursday, January 23, 2014

A New Dream

With the diagnosis of autism... dreams died.

And we grieved.

A lot!

But slowly we began to dream new dreams....

And we shared these dreams with others so that they could dream with us.

Dreams like....

We see Jared as a smart, lovable and cheerful boy with great potential for success.
We are striving to give Jared every opportunity to be able to become a well-adjusted
member of society who is socially accepted by his peers.

Some of the short term dreams we have for Jared:
being invited over to a friends house to play,
being invited to birthday parties or sleepovers,
communicate needs, wants, and illnesses to others.

We see Jared as part of the community, not just someone who comes in and out of it
from time to time. It is important for him to be around peers who model age-appropriate
social and communication skills.

Some of the long term dreams we have for Jared :
develop a better understanding of nonverbal communicators and expand his social
language in all settings,
read at a literate level,
be considered a good friend,
hold a job,
live as independently as possible as an adult.

Dream with us....

“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”
John Lennon

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